
looking for the sun

^ Building Blocks ~ 'collages, soon to be sculptures'

Malin Gabriella Nordin is inspired by rocks & stones and stones & rocks. Her practice is wholly focused upon what seems to be a very banal subject, yet she explores & interprets these little objects of the everyday in every way, shape & form, in a multitude of different mediums - drawing, collaging, sculpting, painting - transforming them into things of utter fascination & intrigue.

“I usually use fashion magazines for my collages because they have the most images with interesting textures or patterns. But when I go to flea markets, I often find these books of stone collections. Sometimes when I buy the books I think they are too nice to cut up, so if I do cut stones out, I save the remaining pages.

In my work, I’m trying to create my own ideas and rules about things I can’t understand, so as to not feel so small. Sometimes I try to imagine objects and surroundings with no actual boundaries, with all of the atoms and molecules blending together, and then I make new shapes from them, or put them together in a different way.”

I love the textures & forms of her collages that also translate so well into her sculptures. She also injects a certain kind of spirituality into her work by exploring the very essence - the shapes, uses, properties, colours, textures, of the rocks and stones. & this is one of her recommended websites which makes her very cool in my books.

Read an interview here & visit her tumblr

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